Fimetech is a software company of highly motivated and experienced professionals with main office based in Yerevan, Armenia.
Our projects and products:
Chessfimee, spin-out off the Fimetech:
Chessfimee is a specialized online platform for chess players. The platform provides the following functionalities:
- DL (deep learning) based unique scanner;
- Pre-configured and pre-optimized latest chess engines for the dedicated
powerful hardware;
- Deep-Learning based chess engine.
Mapato, spin-out off the Fimetech
Product: BLE based indoor positioning systems
- Indoor positioning system with Simulator
- Mobile Data Collection tool
- BLE firmware
- iOS/Android Mobile application with 2d/3d maps
Technologies: Unity3d, C++, Python, PyQt, Android, Nordic Bluetooth LE
C Compiler/Assembler, QA, Embedded SW R&D
Client/Industry: HW company with MPPA arch
Tasks: C Compiler, Assembler, QA, DSP, Computer Vision Algorithms
- LLVM based C Compiler and Assembler
- DSP library
- Parallelised Stereo Vision Application
Technologies: C++, Assembler, LLVM compiler, OpenCV, Python, Linux, Cygwin
EDA Tool-Chain, QA, Embedded SW R&D
Client/Industry: HW company specialized in CGRA
Tasks: Frontend R&D, Simulator, Debugger, Place and Route, Bitstream generators, Build System, QA, DSP module generators, Image Processing library
- Matlab Simulink based IDE for the specific architecture
- Simulink based functional simulator/debugger, co-simulation with the Simulink standard library cells
- Clock/bit accurate simulator
- P&R
- Bitstream generator
- Automated testing environment with CMake and CTest
- Matlab s-function based DSP module generators and Image Processing library
Technologies: C++, Boost, Matlab, Simulated Annealing, ILP, SystemC, Verilog, CMake/CTest